Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Author Profile: Chris Spicer

It was a crisp fall day in Michigan and I was in my Junior year of High School. It was the night of the Homecoming game and together with my friends Tom and Chuck "The Man", we had just finished an evening of skateboarding at a church in the vicinity of the school. We would get kicked out pretty frequently and come back later but being the good Christians that they were, we would simply get kicked out over and over again without the cops being called. After we were satisfied with our session, it was decided that we would go to the second half of the game. However, paying for a monument to jocks and ego was out of the question. We snuck through a hole in the fence and made our way to the bleachers. Sitting there, his hair and goatee ablaze with fiery red hair, sat Chris Spicer, the man who would become one of my dearest friends:

(Seen here in better times. We were no older than 19 years old in this picture, looking like a couple of jerk-offs from way back)

Tom, Chuck "The Man" and I had been previously discussing making a skate tape at the time and with our limited skills, we spent more time discussing the pranks and sketches we would include on the tape. After Chuck "The Man" told me Chris had an Asian girlfriend, an idea sprung into my head:

"Hey, I'm John. Listen, would you be willing to wear a Devil mask while your Asian girlfriend went down on you? On film?"

We spent the remainder of the evening cracking jokes and eating White Castle hamburgers, which were considered edible to us at the time. This was a decade ago. I still consider Chris a brother despite his dragass-ery every time I try and get him to return to Michigan (seriously people, make with the pressure).

Christian's writing style has always lived as a duality. There are times when he will be extremely cynical and send forth scathing criticisms of the populace which should make the average American rethink their idiosyncrasies. However, he is fully capable of using his curmudgeonly world view to offer hilarious satires and parodies of popular culture. I would be remiss to exclude that despite his bouts of nostalgia or cynicism, Chris has been known to enjoy cuteoverload.com and has a penchant for puppies and kittens.

Chris Spicer's writing can be found in le jolie rouge zine issue one where he offers a rather bleak view for our future.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Bike Polo!

The Detroit Bicycle scene is on the rise. There are more people riding than ever and events like Critical Mass are getting huge! What we would like to add to this blossoming culture is a organized bike polo community. Bike polo mallets are cheap and easy to make and all you need besides that is a street hockey ball and a place to play.

Our plan is to gather like minded individuals to play games, run mallet building workshops and bring our community even closer together. If you'd like to be involved with this project contact:


More to come.